Eye Build It Creator

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6 Awards and Nominations

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500+ Test users

3D gedruckte Pyramide aus dem Eye Build It Creator

Was ist der Creator?

The Eye Build It Creator is an 3d program that is completly controlled with your eyes. With this creative program models get created. For this we use cubes (voxel) and connect them like building blocks. Through these basic shapes whole worlds get created.

Through the eye-tracking we include users with physical disabilities and give them the opportunity, without using a mouse or keyboard, to be creative and partake in the digital change.

Ein Computer auf dem der Eye Build It Creator geöffnet ist. Man sieht eine Pyramide die gebaut wird.

Here's how it works in 4 steps:

Ein Computer auf dem das eye build it creator interface zu sehen ist.

#1 Eye-Tracking

Per Augensteuerung kannst du alle Interaktionen mit dem Programm durchführen.

Eine Pyramide aus Voxeln.

#2 Voxel modelle

Lass deiner Kreativität freien lauf und baue brillante Voxel Models!

Verschiedene Voxel Modelle.

#3 Community

Share your creative ideas with our Community all over the world!

Ein ausgedrucktes 3D Modell. Es ist ein japanisches Gartentor.

#4 3D-Printing

Now it's time to print your model! Choose a material and print it in the 3D Printer!

Projekte Aus dem Creator

Japanese Torii
Fully colored 3d-print

Ein Bild aus dem Spiel ist zu sehen, eine Straße von oben auf der ein gelbes Taxi und ein gelber Bus fahren.

Last Taxi Driver
Arcade Videogame Assets

Ein Mann der den Eye Build It Creator nutzt.

3D Model of a family
while being build in the Creator

Das Sagen andere über den Creator:

"From the beginning, the program was designed to be universal throughout the user interface design [...] allowing for a true inclusive community to emerge."

"Eye Build It is kept nice and simple so as not to be overwhelming. The objects are simply put together from small cubes, which can also be colored differently. It's all very manageable and quick to learn."

"By allowing users to be creative and create complex shapes without physical interaction on the computer, the program makes an important contribution to digital accessibility."


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